Sunday, March 13, 2011

Urban Renew and Decay Vocab

Aesthetics- Aesthetics is the way something looks. It is a branch of of philosophy dealing with beauty and taste, and art and with the creation of beauty. The Eiffel Tower is an example of urban aesthetics as it is very beautiful, especially at night when the the lights are on; shining the tower.
Safety- Safety is a quality of being safe, not causing injury, danger or loss of loved ones (death). There are items that stop people from being in danger or help people to understand that danger is near and they are signs. There are danger signs all around cities and places to prevent people from doing things, going places of danger.
Slums- Often slums are thickly populated, run-down, morally degraded part of a city, mostly inhabited by poor people. In India there are many slums around. When walking on the side of a road you can see slums all around and poor people cleaning their clothes and bathing in the only water source (the water that people drink. Slums are usually in poorer third world countries.
Decay- Decay is the gradual falling into an inferior condition in an object. It is the process in which part of a city or even a city falls into a state not suitable for living in. It becomes dangerous place (meaning that bad people and gangs tend to hang around it) and that levels or items may collapse within the place that has decayed. The picture shows that if not cared for properly then it becomes neglected and less aprreciated by society.
Reconstruction and Renewal- Reconstruction and renewal is opposite to 'decay'. It is the process where decayed parts of the city or society is reconstructed into beautiful and civilised places. Most of the time, when places are reconstructed the crime rates go down because there is people living there however it may not completely go down.
Transport- Transprt is to carry, move, or convey from one place to another. Another way of understanding is it's the act of transporting or conveying. Transport has to fit in with its surroundings (it has to fit), so if it was a very crammed street in a city, would you be able to fit a train there? A lot of transport is being placed underground such as train stations (trains) and tunnels of which cars travel through. Transport is also used on bridges such as the Sydney Harbour Bridge.
Suburbanization- Suburbanization is similar to towns, except towns are really big and suburubs are not as big. Suburbanziation is basically just residential communities living in the outskirts of a city. Most of the people live in suburbs rather than in the city and so that statistic shows that the city is no longer the more popular place to live in.
Environmental Factors- Environmental Factors are just factors that are of matter. They are factors that the councils and governments need to see to getting them fixed other wise there won't be a complete functional running city. Environmental Factors are also finding away to fix problems, it is to fix a problem such as a city is build next to a river and then the other half of the city is built on the other side then what would they do? They would build a bridge and so that way they can get across to both sides of the city. An example could be Sydney Harbour Bridge.
Light and Sound- Light and sound are found everyday, everywhere around cities. Sounds can be really loud and so annoys people in cities as well as it causes sound pollution, which is nearly as bad as the transport noises and light in the city is so bright that it can be seen from miles away and light also causes light pollution. The city never sleeps. The lights use up lots of energy and electricity and so thats where all the energy is used up from.

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