Monday, March 14, 2011

Australia- The Urban Nation Questions (Page 213)

  1. The term urban sprawl is when the city spreads outwards (increases) because more people have moved to the outskirts of the city called suburbs. (Example is Turrumurra)
  2. Urban consolidation is when they build sky scrapers to accomodate more people (like hotel) or they build apartments and flats to accomodate more people that way it doesn't take too much space up so the government can build something else important there. 
  3. A highly urbanised country is a country that has a huge population; and huge tourism industry. An example is Australia or was Japan (since 2011, March- The Earthquake and Tsunami)
  4. Australia is a highly urbanised country because Sydney itself has a population of 3 502 000 people, land area 1687km squared, and 2076km squared population density.
  5. The factors that have influenced the location of Australia's capital cities are that if anyone comes here on a holiday or for work they have a good time because Australia is such a nice place to be. Nice people, nice animals, nice cities (cleaner than some), great things to do, good weather etc. So basically tourism would influence the location of Australia (especially to the Americans who don't know where Australia is- no offence)
  6. Population density is similar to the land area; except it is, how much space is left? Is it crowded? What is the air like. So it is very similar to the land area except it has its own features.
  7. Australia isn't as big population as some countries, but it certainly has quite a big population. Japan, and a lot of countries in Europe have a more bigger population then Australia.
  8. At the moment urban consolidation is increasing, which is driving people crazy, people hate having apartments and buildings with people living in them right next to their house as it is a huge invasion of their privacy. There will soon be more apartments and buildings acommodating people then housing.
  9. Urban planners are the ones coming up with the ideas of building the apartments, flats, skyscraper apartments. They are the ones that are thinking about the ideas and then giving them to the ideas to the government so the government can actually do the building; of course using the tax money in which we pay.
  10. a) Paris covers the largest land area. b) Population density is probably calculated by the tax and energy used and probably calculated via tally's. c) Australia has the most population density then, Melbourne, Adelaide, Woollongong, Perth, Gold Coast, New Castle, Canberra, Brisbane and Gosford.
  11. The people living below the apartments will probably be furious. They will have to put up with being covered by the huge building and they will probably always have people invading their privacy, people looking in from their own windows. There will probably be not very much space to park around there and it will probably always be busy.
  12. Living in apartments would be nice because you can actually have air conditioners, and heaters whereas you may not have that living in a house. You wouldn't have to clean the garden because there would be cleaners who do that (the bottom garden as you wouldn't have a garden)

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