Monday, March 28, 2011

1st Part of Assessment Task 1 Revison Prep

The population growth is going to have an impact on the cities. 
The population growth will cause there to be more urban consolidation and less urban sprawl, which will mean that there probably will be more angry citizens. Urban sprawl is where houses are build in a suburb (like Turrumurra or Wahroonga) and Urban Consolidation is high rising and is used to have more people living in one area and that way the population will grow and so people will all live in the same square metre. There will be more pollution due to the cause of the population growth increasing and as such there will also be more energy and electricity required to run the city and there will be less space and more condined space where it will be harder for people to move around in and harder for people to go to places without being in huge lines.

As Sydney's population grows to over 4.5 million, it's future population growth will be shaped by the force of globalisation. Sydney is a city where many of the manufacturing and industrial activities are being replaced by new technology and information-based industries. Sydney currently has 30% of Australia's occupations in the financial and business services and over 60% of the regional headquarters. 
Sydney itself has the biggest population of Australia with the population of 3 502 000 people, with the land area of 1687 km squared and has the population density of 2076 km squared. However it is a smaller population to Japan, Mumbai, Cairo, Paris, and London. The population growth in Sydney is predicted to be 40 600 people over the next 30 years. 

These statistics prove that Sydney and Australia will increase in population growth, and so will others in other countries. Sydney and Australia hasn't got the biggest population in the world, in fact it is one of the smallest but sill the population increase will impact the city to all sorts of problems like pollution, jobs decreasing and less wealthier people.

The population growth for Sydney will not be good and will cause harder life for people. It means that the human resources may run out, the energy and electricity could run out and in fact there will be needed more food and some people will be unemployed as most of the jobs will probably be taken and full.    

The government is the people who are allowing more high rise buildings to go up when there are plenty already. They are the ones who want to continue building the apartments; even when there aren't even any more needed.

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