Wednesday, March 30, 2011

2nd Part of Assessment Task 1 Revision Prep

There are many different views of whether Urban consolidation or Urban Sprawl is better. There are a lot of people who believe that Urban consolidation is not a good option; they believe that Urban consolidation is actually terrible. However people believe that housing in suburbs are better.
People believe that Urban consolidation is bad for the environment; they believe that it ruins the environment because of the carbon dioxide that comes out and they believe that it takes up a lot of space. It is also a problem for privacy reasons; if there is a house next to high rise apartment then there no actual privacy for the people living in the house because all the people on that side of the high rise building can see what the person in the house is doing, whether she's hanging the washing or doing anything else. However Urban Sprawl is harder because you have all the extra things you need to do, such as clean the garden etc. It is also harder because if you live in a house without having gas or air conditioning then you will need to buy gas, which is painful compared to urban consoldation (high rise buildings) being build with gas and air conditioning.

I spoke to people from both sides; one beleived that Urban sprawl was better than Urban Consolidation and the other believed that Urban consolidation was better than Urban sprawl. 
The person who was against urban consolidation said "Having more high rise buildings that fit more people, will have major impacts on Australia. There will be job shortages, human resources will probably run out, more pollution with both rubbish and garbage but also carbon dioxide from the fuels and light and sound pollution; it would also be very crowded, even more crowded than it already is. A huge problem will also be that more people will just migrate to Australia and more asylum seekers. For a person to live next door to a high rise building will be an invasion of privacy; people in the building will be able to watch the people living in the house because the building would be higher up, and so the people who live in the house will be watched nearly every time of the day. When they hang the washing, perhaps when they are having dinner, when they are entertaining their guests etc. it is just one huge invasion of privacy!"
The person who was against Urban sprawl said "Having high rise building's is the best thing because you can have lots of people staying in the one area an so the population can grow without taking up too much space. Living in a building will also mean that the rooms would already have internet, air conditioning and heating, and another advantage would be that the citizens who stay in the building wouldn't have to clean their garden as they wouldn't have a garden. Life would be just way easier!"

I beleive that the person who was against Urban Consolidation was more effective. Urban consolidation is not a good, having the invasion of privacy, having more pollution which will cause more natural disasters due to global warming, and we will run out of human resources such as petrol. I do believe that Urban Sprawl is a better urban thing to have and is a much healthier alternative to Urban consolidation.

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