Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Let The Games Begin

Outline the Main Geographical Processes relevant to Coastal Management.
The main geographical processes are both good and bad. One huge problem with coastal management is pollution. Pollution of waste and anything is cuasing the coast to be rather dirty and is causing problems. The waste zone is where all the waste is more likely to occur the coastal hinderland and the inner continental shelf and anything between. The waste ruins the habitats for the fauna and flora of the beach life and it can effect tourism and any other type of publicity.
Sustainable management is using resources in a way that will meet the needs of the present population without endangering the furture generations' needs.
Long shore drift is the movement of sand, also known as deposition. Long shore drift is where the sand and any other material is moved down the coast/ shore.
Erosion is also a problem and that is when the sand underneath beach houses are eroded and then the houses may fall and slide or slide down the shore.

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