Sunday, September 11, 2011

Practice Exam Paper Questions- Question 24

Question 1- Explain Australia's regional and global links with one nation from two of the following areas: aid, defence, migration, trade etc. 
Australia has quite a few regional and global links with other nations; they are based on different following areas. Two of its nations are:
Migration- Australia's links to do with migration are Malaysia and Indonesia. Australia for the past few years have been getting up to 6879 asylum seekers throughout a year. In 2009 there were 61 boats and 2849 people in total for the year. In 2010 there were 134 boats and 6879 asylum seekers in total for the whole year; and then in 2011 there was 28 boats and 1675 asylum seekers in total for the whole year. 
Aid- Australia's links to do with aid are the US and the UK. Australia and the US have a really close relationship together; the US provides Australia with protection in return for Australia to assist in any help required from the US.

Question 2- Examine the future challenges and responses for Australia to EITHER Human Rights OR Reconciliation OR Future population.
Australia faces quite a few challenges in the future; however one of the biggest challenges is that in the future, the population of Australia is going to increase dramatically. The population of Australia is going to be so high because of refugees and illegal immigrants; the population will increase that the offspring of Australian Citizens generation now will not be able to buy any space in the cities because it will all be taken because of the immigrants.

Question 3- Outline Australia's changing regional role and/ or global role in relation to the role of non- government organisations.
Australia's changing regional role and/ or global role in relation to the role of non- government organisations isn't very changing, Australia would have exceptions but they wouldn't completely change their systems. Australia couldn't just change their role but they could however help a little bit, otherwise it would be unfair to Australian citizens.

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