Sunday, September 11, 2011

Practice Exam Paper Questions- Question 24

Question 1- Explain Australia's regional and global links with one nation from two of the following areas: aid, defence, migration, trade etc. 
Australia has quite a few regional and global links with other nations; they are based on different following areas. Two of its nations are:
Migration- Australia's links to do with migration are Malaysia and Indonesia. Australia for the past few years have been getting up to 6879 asylum seekers throughout a year. In 2009 there were 61 boats and 2849 people in total for the year. In 2010 there were 134 boats and 6879 asylum seekers in total for the whole year; and then in 2011 there was 28 boats and 1675 asylum seekers in total for the whole year. 
Aid- Australia's links to do with aid are the US and the UK. Australia and the US have a really close relationship together; the US provides Australia with protection in return for Australia to assist in any help required from the US.

Question 2- Examine the future challenges and responses for Australia to EITHER Human Rights OR Reconciliation OR Future population.
Australia faces quite a few challenges in the future; however one of the biggest challenges is that in the future, the population of Australia is going to increase dramatically. The population of Australia is going to be so high because of refugees and illegal immigrants; the population will increase that the offspring of Australian Citizens generation now will not be able to buy any space in the cities because it will all be taken because of the immigrants.

Question 3- Outline Australia's changing regional role and/ or global role in relation to the role of non- government organisations.
Australia's changing regional role and/ or global role in relation to the role of non- government organisations isn't very changing, Australia would have exceptions but they wouldn't completely change their systems. Australia couldn't just change their role but they could however help a little bit, otherwise it would be unfair to Australian citizens.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Defence Set to Give US more Military

  1. Shared facilities are expected to include HMAS Stirling naval base in Western Australia, an army base in Townsville as the primary location for operations, the port of Darwin and the Bradshaw Field Training Area in the Northern Territory. However it will mean that the Americans will not just be offered space on a base, they will be there with what Defence calls "full knowledge and concurrence" with full access to intelligence and maintenance facilities.
  2. At AUSMIN, Defence Minister Stephen Smith will meet his counterpart, US Defence Secretary Leon Panetta. It is not clear whether Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd will attend.
  3. The country that the US was reacting to the most is probably China.
  4. As US planners looking for ways to move forces around the world more effectively broke the globe down into regions, Australian officials worked closely with them on the Asia-Pacific.
  5. Other key areas for discussion at the talks will be cyber security, progress in Afghanistan and the state of the Joint Strike Fighter project. Australia plans to buy up to 100 of the revolutionary multi-role jets to replace the RAAF's F-111 bombers, retired last year, and its F/A-18 Hornets.
  6. It does mean that Australia is thinking ahead in life and is thinking about the future and getting prepared just encase there is any reasons that there would be war.

Sunday, September 4, 2011


My initial reaction to the show 'Go Back to Where You Came From' was actually a great idea, however I didn't really like the sound of the show, as it sounds quite racist. I must say, I am not racist to immigrants but I must agree with these people, they are leaving their country and coming to Australia, but they are making Australia's population bigger and there will soon be no more space for people who have children because all of the available space will have been taken up, and even all the parks etc. will have been taken up because of the immigrants. I do understand that they are getting away from the horror's and the problems that are occurring in their country.

Only 3% of immigrants are refugees however it is increasing, but there are 93% of persons come only for a holiday or to live but they pay, and they come via plane and pay all the visas that are involved. 

Such a small number of people make such a big deal because most of the people don't want them here because they all had to pay to live here and the refugees are just arriving without having to pay and are just living in Australia without any fees whilst everyone else has to pay. That is why not mant people like them, and want them to stop from coming over.

Australia doesn't accept to many, they accept a couple a thousand a year, but there are plenty which are sent either back to where they came from or they are sent to Christmas Island or Malaysia. 

I agree with Australia by helping others in other countries but they should help the homeless and the people having problems here in Australia before they allow bringing in a lot of refugees; like helping some people from other countries is fine but not helping their own country before helping a lot of others isn't really the way to go. We should help the other people having problems in other countries but as said we should help our own people as well.

Refugees if accepted get a whole lot of support, way more than actual Australian citizens; the refugees get money, food, housing, etc. whereas the Australian citizens get nothing (no support from the government) especially for the people who need it.

A lot of of the Asian nations have signed the UN Refugees Convention as they are all working together to try and help the countries that are in trouble and that need help (mostly the countries that are killing a lot of people in their countries causing people to refuge to other safe countries meaning Australia. Sometimes Asian nations also get refugees, and so they don't want to have refugees so they are working together to try and defeat the caause of the reufugees leaving their countries.

Refugees in Malaysia have not signed the UN Refugee Convention because they do not like refugees at all, if Malaysia hets any refugees then they send them to jail or detention centres throughout Malaysia and they treat them so badly, because they still have the cane and so they cane the refugees, and they do a lot of horrible things to the refugees. It means that refugees should not go to Malaysia otherwise they will be sent to detention centres or other horrible things.