Monday, August 1, 2011

Govt, Malaysia Sign Asylum Swap Deal Video

Video Questions
  1. The deal between Australia and Malaysia includes sending 800 Australian refugees and 4000 Malaysian to Malaysia.
  2. The rights that they were said to have respect and will be treated with dignity and will be provided with healthcare and education.
  3. Malaysia normally treats illegal immigrants really badly, they are not given any rights to work in Malaysia, they are also placed all together in detention centres and in these centres they are caned as well as not being able to be let out into the community.
  4. Children are being sent to Malaysia but will be taken care of, as they are the subject of review about their characteristics and their statuses.
  5. The five hundred and over immigrants that arrive in Australia after the 7th May will now be processed in Australia rather than being sent from Australia to Malaysia.
  6. The refugee advocates worry about the 800 asylum seekers because only 800 asylum seekers will be accepted (so said) but what happens when more come and so it adds up to more than 800; they will probably let them in, so they can't really give an exact number because there will always be more.
  7. The goal of the 'swap' program is to deter asylum seekers from undertaking boat journey's to Australia.
  8. I don't think it will work because no matter whether they have to face the Malaysian people because the Australian government sent them; where they have to face the poor treatment and the detention centres.

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