Sunday, July 24, 2011

Australian Aid

  • In the last 5 years overseas aid budget has doubled.
  • By 2015 we will be spending $8 billion a year on helping people overseas.
  • There was a report released by Kevin Rudd late last year.

  • The report is full of good sense about how to allocate and administer all the extra money.
  • Spending money in ways that makes no difference doesn't help anyone, and there is no virtue in aid that makes donors feel good but doesn't help the needy.
I think the author is presenting the thought that the overseas aid budget that is given by Australia is too much and that Australia is helping other countries but is not helping its own. I understand it as, people living in Australia is not very happy with Australia as they help other in other countries but don't really help their own.

3. Australia is giving more aid to other countries because they want to make friends with other countries that way if Australia needs aid then the other countries will help Australia, and so if there is a huge terrorist attack they won't target Australia because Australia will be their friends. Doing so, could provide a lot of benefits because Australia will probably get aid from many different countries when in trouble and so a lot of countries will trust Australia. The disadvantage is that Australia isn't really helping their own country, and some countries may not want to accept friendship.

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