Sunday, February 27, 2011

Summary of TRESB Project

 The Problem which lead to the TRESB Project:
The problem that lead to the TRESB project was that in the 1950's the enterence of the Tweed River became a hazard to shipping because of sandbars that were forming across the river mouth.
The Soultion to the problem:

The solution to solve the problem of the beaches immediately north of the Tweed being deprived of the natural supply of sand, the
accumulating sand at the river mouth was periodically dredged and trucked to the Gold Coast where it was used for beach nourishment.
The result of the project. What areas are effected and how? Do you think that it was a success?
The sand is pumped from the South side of the beach (where the Tweed River mouth is) to other beaches around the area, that way they get more sand but they may get more sand then needed. I think it is a success because at least it prevents the formation of sandbars building up across the Tweed River mouth.


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